Senin, 16 Januari 2012

MadCow Version 2.0

Minecraft MadCow 2.0
Well, in Minecraft at night you probably go back in you safehouse that protected you from zombies, creepers, and spiders. Dylloop, the developer of MadCow mods thought that only three isn’t enough. So, he added the Mad Cow spawn at night and ready to attack you all the time.

How to Install MadCow For Windows

  1. Go to start menu (lower left corner), then go to “Run” and type in %appdata%
  2. Browse to .minecraft/bin
  3. Find minecraft.jar and open it up with WinRar or 7Zip (Right click and choose Open With..)
  4. Copy and Paste files in to the minecraft.jar
  5. Delete folder called “META-INF” in minecraft.jar
  6. Run Minecraft, and enjoy the cow!

How to Install MadCow For Windows

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities
  2. Open up the terminal app
  3. Type in (without quotes) “cd ~” Enter
  4. Type in (without quotes) “mkdir mctmp” Enter
  5. Type in (without quotes) “jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar” Enter
  6. In Finder, copy all the files and folders into mctmp directory that you have created in by Terminal command.
  7. Back to Terminall app, type in “rm META-INF/MOJANG_C.*”
  8. Then type “jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar”
  9. And ./ cd .. rm -rf mctmp
  10. Run Minecraft, and run!
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Download MadCow Version 2.0

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